(17:44:15) dk: boot some livecd that has ext4 support (17:44:20) dk: extract tarball from smgl cd (17:44:24) dk: after formatting (17:44:29) dk: cast the things you need (17:44:33) dk: get a bootlaoder installed (17:44:35) dk: reboot (17:44:36) dk: basically (17:44:40) kit: i've got ubuntu up on another disk at the moment so can prepare the disk i'm gonna install smgl to (17:44:40) opi: pray (17:44:47) dk: I didn't need much praying (17:44:50) dk: it worked for the most part (17:45:03) dk: I forgot to install a kernel so I had to boot back into the livecd to do that (17:45:06) dk: heh (17:45:23) dk: and then, since I'm running 64-bit, I had to set up a chroot within a chroot to do a 32-bit build of grub (17:46:27) kit: well, i'll give it a shot (17:51:52) kit: why couldn't you do a 64 bit build of grub ? (17:52:15) dk: because it doesn't (17:52:26) ara: you need a multilib system (17:52:37) ara: or a chroot (17:53:01) kit: ah ok. thanks for the tip, lol (17:53:29) ara: dunno if there's any multilib support in sourcemage (17:53:45) dk: not reall (17:53:47) dk: y
nano /var/lib/sorcery/codex/test/crypto/openssl/BUILD
add OPTS="" after ./config $OPTS